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Things & Thoughts

React 19 - Part 2: The Code; How it works under the hood!

It's time to talk code! The setup, and the implementation details. What is an RSC payload? A RSA call?

A 12 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

React 19 - Part 1: The Backstory; My journey writing a framework from scratch!

Come with me to explore my two months of frustration and joy writing a framework from scratch. I will show you how React works under the hood and how to write your own framework.

A 13 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

Artifact: Imagine all the design trends condensed in a website.

Imagine all the design trends condensed in a website that will make your computer cry (or fry).

A 2 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

How do I manage this blog's content remotely?

A breakdown of the unique Contentlayer + Git integration I crafted for this blog, and how you can use it too!

A 8 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

Clouds: A little UI meets 3D experiment

What if 3D clouds floated across your screen as a transition, a cooler one that just faded in and out? Well, we can, so... why not?

A 2 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

htnx: a htmx-like experience in Next.js (seriously)

How did I create a htmx-like experience in Next.js with React Server Actions and quite a bit of questionable code.

A 8 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

Access to your Tailwind theme on the go!

Introducing `tailwindcss-expose-colors`: a Handy Tailwind CSS Plugin to Bring Your Colors Wherever You Need Them.

A 4 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

Quix: A Lightning-Fast VTEX IO CLI Experiment

Boost your VTEX IO workflow with Quix, an experimental CLI project designed to enhance your VTEX IO workflow.

A 3 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

Give your applications the documentation they deserve!

Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you easily sketch diagrams that have a hand-drawn feel to them.

A 3 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

TryHackMe Generator: Effortless Setup for CTFs

Simplify your CTF setup with the TryHackMe Auto Generator - a Python tool for automating the not-so-fun part of CTF challenges.

A 2 min read about Software Development written at 🇧🇷

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A dead-simple React 19 "framework" implementation from scratch



Think "docker stats" but with beautiful, real-time charts into your terminal. 📊



a htmx like experience in Next.js with RSC and quite a bit of questionable code.



Supercharge Your VTEX IO Workflow with a Lightning-Fast CLI Alternative. Enhance Developer Experience and Boost Productivity.



Uma stack sob-medida escrita em Rust para os desafios da rinha e somente isso. Incluindo load balancer, servidor HTTP e banco de dados.



Expose specific colors from your Tailwind CSS theme as CSS variables

CC BY-NC 4.0©rafaelrcamargo.